Around the activity of disposing of seized goods (alcoholic beverages) by the Enforcement Department that cannot be claimed and have reached the end of their storage period at the Worldwide Landfills, Jeram Sanitary Landfill Disposal Site. These seizures were carried out from 2022 until March 2023 based on public complaints regarding unlicensed businesses openly selling alcoholic beverages and causing public disturbances. The actions were taken under the provisions of the Small Trade Licensing, Business, and Industry (MBSA) 2007 and Food Establishment (MBSA) 2007 regulations.
A total of 24 enforcement officers led by Mr. Zakaria Bin Mat Piah, MBSA Enforcement Officer, and 6 officers from the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Department were involved in the disposal process on-site. Five roll-on/roll-off containers were used to transfer the seized goods to the disposal site.
Source:MBSA FB