Venue: OSK Garden
Inter section between SS14/8B and SS14/8C
Use Waze to drive to :
OSK will also be preparing some free giveaways (varieties) so please make sure you bring bags/buckets. 

Engagement rules:
1. Car parks. There’s some space but it’s a residential area, so please be considerate in how you park your vehicles as we want to be good neighbors. (If you can carpool with your gardening buddies – that would be great)
2. Labelling. We kindly advise you label your plants (species and the person who has booked it) with a simple masking tape. We will designate a space (tho we can’t assure their safety
If you have any plants to offer for exchange, you can start your offers/requests in this group chat.

3. Be impeccable with your conduct. Please do not simply snatch/cut/pull any plants from the garden and/or take ‘Reserved’ plants. If you want any particular plants, we are happy to propagate for you. Be patient 

4. Please be civic minded.
– [ ] Please do not litter or leave rubbish behind.
– [ ] Please wear masks, practice social distancing (as much as possible
) and use your hand sanitizer
– [ ] Stay hydrated, use sunscreen/moz repellent and bring your sun hats
– [ ] Please do not litter or leave rubbish behind.
– [ ] Please wear masks, practice social distancing (as much as possible

– [ ] Stay hydrated, use sunscreen/moz repellent and bring your sun hats

5. Be kind and have loads of fun! Enjoy the Garden.
Gardening is certainly an enthusiastic hobby
and a wonderful way to make new friends.

Source:OSK FB, Image Credit :vadim kaipov