FREE Movie Screening!


An exclusive event organized by Rajiv Rishyakaran for the residents of Bukit Gasing. Join them for an unforgettable experience as they present “Anwar: The Untold Story” – an enthralling film that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat.

 Date: Saturday, 10th June 2023

Venue: TGV Jaya Shopping Centre, Section 14 

Screening Time: Between 2pm-3pm (To be confirmed)

To ensure your attendance, we kindly request you to register in advance using the following link:]. Please note that priority will be given to registered individuals, so it is essential to secure your spot promptly.

Ticket distribution will commence at 1pm, and we kindly request all attendees to arrive before 1:30pm. Any remaining tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis after 1.30pm.

Source: Rajiv Rishyakaran FB

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